I am a 2nd year PhD student in Cockrell School of Engineering at UT Austin, advised by Prof. Ufuk Topcu and Prof. Sandeep Chinchali.
Prior to this, I earned my Master’s degree in Computer Science at UC Berkeley, advised by Prof. Pieter Abbeel; and my Bachelor’s degrees in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics.
My research interests include Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Computer Vision. I aim to build intelligent robot systems that are able to reason about the physical world and assist humans in complex real-life environments.
Class-Aware Adversarial Transformers for Medical Image Segmentation is accepted to NeurIPS 2022.
Albert Zhan*, Ruihan Zhao*, Lerrel Pinto, Pieter Abbeel, Michael Laskin A Framework for Efficient Robotic Manipulation Published at IROS 2022 [Project]
Ruihan Zhao, Kevin Lu, Pieter Abbeel, Stas Tiomkin Efficient Empowerment Estimation for Unsupervised Stabilization Published at ICLR 2021 [Project Page] [Paper] [Code]
Ruihan Zhao, Stas Tiomkin, Pieter Abbeel Learning Efficient Representation for Intrinsic Motivation Published at NeurIPS 2019 Deep RL Workshop[Paper]
2021.8 – Now University of Texas at Austin Ph.D. in ECE
2016.8 – 2021.5 University of California, Berkeley
M.S. in Computer Science B.A. in Computer Science & Applied Mathematics
2021.5 – 2021.8, Deep Reinforcement Learning Intern, Intel Labs Advisor: Dr. Mariano Phielipp
2019.1 – 2021.5, Research Assistant, Berkeley AI Research (BAIR) Advisor: Prof. Pieter Abbeel
2018.8 – 2018.12, Research Assistant, Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program (URAP) Advisor: Prof. Gerald Friedland
Other Projects
Ruihan Zhao, Angjoo Kanazawa Learning Meshes for In-gripper Objects CS294-173: Learning 3D Vision, final project [Report]